Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diversity in Teaching and Learning

Question: Discuss about the Diversity in Teaching and Learning. Answer: Introduction The culture in which a child is raised shapes their experience and has an impact on their development. Through the exposure to different culture, they learn which behavior should be preferred or discouraged. Early childhood educators must be aware of the cultural orientation of children and its impact to plan lessons and the experience for children in educational setting. As childrens socio-cultural values begin in the early childhood classroom setting, the knowledge about culturally diverse group of children will help them to address the needs of children in development. The early childhood experience in the classroom setting should be planned in such a way that the children can easily incorporate the lessons in their life (Buchori Dobinson, 2015). The report illustrates the role of culture on child development and how knowledge about it in early childhood educators will influence the development of routines and experience for children. Impacts of culture on child development Different aspects of culture such as language, tradition, behavior, beliefs and values has impact on the development and well-being of children. The cultural experience and values shapes the personality and thinking pattern of an individual. Connection with parents and other individuals helps children to connect with their cultural identity. In early childhood setting, children starts to become aware of the difference between their family members and other individuals the encounter. This awareness has an impact on their social and emotional well-being and it is necessary that early childhood educators clears the childrens natural curiosity in such a way that they appreciate the diversity in the society and feel good about their own identity too (Kids Matter: Australian early childhood mental health initiative, 2016). Children coming from different cultural background may face many barriers in the learning process and it is necessary that the educators are aware of these barriers and takes necessary steps to enhance their development. For instance, children begin to identify racial difference from the age of two and start to develop the meaning about negative attitude from three years onwards. Hence, race and ethnicity begins to influence children from very young age and the implementation of effective early childhood programmes is essential to address this issues. Successful experience and lesson can be planned when educators are aware of different impact of culture on child development and well-being. Educators need to distinguish between in-group favoritism and out-group prejudice. This can be done by determining how in-group favoritism can be developed in children and how to develop their respect for diversity through friendship choice and providing experiences related to relationship developm ent (Connolly, 2011). Early childhood educators can play a role in sustainable development very early in life. They lay intellectual, physical, emotional and social foundations of development and learning through different routines and play lessons. Effective lessons and experience planned in accordance with children development helps to foster values, attitudes and skills to support sustainable development. It may involve taking children outdoor to speak about natural environment. The learning could be incorporated in them about concrete actions to favor the environment. Similarly, educator may engage in the designing of interactive play lessons so that children becomes compassionate to others and respect difference related to culture and beliefs in society (Bredekamp, 2014).Therefore, holistic development in children is seen not just by reading, writing and arithmetic, but also through education in the areas of reflection, respect, reducing negativity and protecting resources in the society. Considering the impact of culture on child development, a multi-culturalistic environment is needed in early childhood education setting. This will involve putting emphasis on a renewed curriculum and encouraging learning in children with activities and experience that promotes equality, harmony and justice in society. The intercultural approach to class lessons will ensure that childs cultural identity is preserved and each child contribute in their own way to the richness of cultural context in educational setting. If educators adapt intercultural approach in education, it will encourage children to share their cultural context as well as understand variations in group. Through intercultural activities and communication with educators, young children will get to learn how each individual is unique and contribute to the well-being of the society (NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 2016). Parents involvement in childrens activities at home is often ignored and educators need to involve parents to maintain a continuity of understanding between home and educational setting and continuing the enthusiasm of children in class lessons (Chan Ritchie, 2016). Hence, with the knowledge of impact of culture on child development, early child educators have the opportunity to develop sensitivity, inclusiveness and respect in children. The key attribute of an intercultural classroom in educational setting will include a learning environment that facilitate development of moral values in children and the classroom is adorned with sharing experiences of childrens cultural context in life. The educators strategy in keeping a balance between childrens home and learning environment may include creating opportunities to bridge the gap between both world through play lessons and experience. For example if a child uses chopstick to eat, the child can continue so in classroom and teachers may also encourage other children to learn if interested. Hence, an early child educator with understanding about cultural sensitivity in child development will help to support cultural routines in the classroom and other children can also explore the opportunity to learn other cultures. This would also create a sense of pride and cultural identity in children. Appropriate childhood education experience will lead to the creation of a more equitable education system (Ponciano Shabazian, 2017). Conclusion The report summarized the impact of culture on children development and discussed educator role in overcoming barrier in learning process in a culturally diverse classroom environment. As cultural values, beliefs and attitude shapes a persons life and personality, the focus is laid on maintaining continuity between a childs cultural understanding and classroom experience. It also emphasized if teachers plan strategies to plan lessons by intercultural approach, it would encourage child learning and development by understanding and respecting diversity in society. Reference Bredekamp, S. (2014).Effective practices in early childhood education: Building a foundation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Buchori, S., Dobinson, T. (2015). Diversity in teaching and learning: Practitioners' perspectives in a multicultural early childhood setting in Australia.Australasian Journal of Early Childhood,40(1), 71. Chan, A., Ritchie, J. (2016). Parents, participation, partnership: Problematising New Zealand early childhood education.Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood,17(3), 289-303. Connolly, P. (2011). Using survey data to explore preschool childrens ethnic awareness and attitudes. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 9(2), 175-187. Retrieved from's%20Ethnic%20Awareness,%20Journal%20of%20Early%20Childhood%20Research-2011-Connolly-175-87.pdf Kids Matter: Australian early childhood mental health initiative. (2016) Why culture matters for childrens development and wellbeing. Retrieved from NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2016). Child-care structure process outcome: Direct and indirect effects of child-care quality on young children's development.Psychological Science. Ponciano, L., Shabazian, A. (2017).Interculturalism: Addressing Diversity in Early Childhood. Retrieved 21 March 2017, from Silva, K. G., Correa?Chvez, M., Rogoff, B. (2010). Mexican?Heritage Childrens Attention and Learning From Interactions Directed to Others.Child Development,81(3), 898-912.

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